Now that the first exhibition for the Wetlands Project has finished, it’s time to start looking ahead to the coming year – and what’s on the drawing board for 2024. #Note, if you missed the exhibit at Timeless Textiles, a smaller version will be travelling home to the Hunter Wetlands in April. I’ll keep you posted

With all the “creative bones” working again – thanks to that incredible project - there’s new compositions waiting to be written and, of course, recorded! So stay tuned for two new EP’s to be released in the second half of the year. I’m also keen to have the choral work from “Song of the Wetlands” worked on by a larger, established choir, then recorded and video’d. (and if YOUR choir would like to participate, let me know!)

One of my new year resolutions for 2024 was to finish my second novel “Between the Lines” and I’m tickled pink to say “I done it!” – completed by the end of January! Go me! So I’ll be looking for a publisher and if I’m not successful will take it – and “Table Manners” – to Ebook format this year. I’m also keen to write a sequel to the first novel [Table Manners] so that may get off the drawing board – or doodle pad – and on to the computer later this year.

Fingers crossed I’ve got enough puff left to get through 2024!

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